List of Technical Reports:


Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Om plutselige jonosfaeriske forstyrrelser" ("'On Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances'"), Internal Report, The Auroral Observatory (now: Department of Physics, University of Tromso), Tromso, Norway, 1970.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "On the Ion Composition of the Ionospheric D-Region", Master's Thesis in Physics, Department of Physics, University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles, California, 1971.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "A Computer Algorithm: To Calculate Electron and Ion Groups in the D-Region Ionosphere", Technical Report, Department of Meteorology, University of California, Los Angeles, California, 1974.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Application of the Fokker-Planck Numerical Method to Describe Anisotropic and Energy Dependent Electron Precipitation into the Atmosphere", Plasma Physics Group Publication, No. 198, 1974. Department of Meteorology, University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles, California.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "A Recursive Numerical Method to Solve the Pure Pitch Angle Diffusion Equation", Plasma Physics Group Publication, No. 205, 1974, Department of Meteorology, University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles, California.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation and its Ionospheric Effects at Middle Latitudes", Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Meteorology, University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles, California, December 1974.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Coupling Between Photochemistry, Transport and Radiation: A Sub-Project of the General Circulation of the Atmosphere Project", Internal Report, Department of Meteorology, University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles, California, 1975.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "The Cosmic Ray Heavy Ion Environment of the Earth", in: Proceedings of the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory Workshop on Space Radiation and Space Biology held on January 17, 1984, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts. 1985.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "PLOT2_PACK.FTN: A Two-Dimensional Graphics Plotting Package for the NOAA/SEL Apollo Computer System", CIRES, University of Colorado, Report 01, Boulder, 1985.

Sauer, H. H., W. N. Spjeldvik and F. K. Steele: "Long Term Phase Advances in Earth-Based High Latitude Very Low Frequency Wave Propagation", Space Environment Laboratory Report to the United States Coast Guard, Boulder, Colorado, June 1985.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "PLOT3_PACK.FTN: A Three-Dimensional Transparent Surface Graphics Plotting Package for the NOAA/SEL Apollo Computer System", CIRES, University of Colorado, Report 02, Boulder, 1985.

Sauer, H. H., W. N. Spjeldvik and F. K. Steele: "Omega Long-Term Phase Advances", National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Technical Memorandum ERL SEL - 73, Colorado, 1985.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Data Reduction Technique for Energetic Proton and Heavy Ion Counter ('Star') Channels on the Spacecraft DMSP-F7", Technical Memorandum, Department of Physics, Boston College, Massachusetts, April, 1985.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Aspects of the Radiation Belt Source Problem: Systematic Differences Between the Ionic Composition in Particle Source and Stable Storage", Space Physics Internal Report, Department of Physics, Boston College, Massachusetts, May 1985.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "A Method Based on Physical Principles for Estimating the Content of Energetic Charged Particles in the Equatorial Radiation Belts of the Earth, 1: Quiet Time Conditions", Nordmann Research Ltd., Report No 01-86 to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Colorado, July 1986.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "A Method Based on Physical Principles for Estimating the Content of Energetic Charge Particles in the Equatorial Radiation Belts of the Earth, 2: The Time Dependent Geospace", Nordmann Research Ltd., Report 02-86 to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, Colorado, September, 1986.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "The possibility of Developing Physics Based Earthspace Forecasting and Its Relation to Solar Forecasting", Nordmann Research Ltd., Technical Paper 03-86, Colorado, 1986.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Compilation of Carbon Ion Charge Exchange Cross Sections in an Atomic Hydrogen Target Gas for Impact Energies Between 1 KeV and 100 MeV", NRLtd. Technical Report, Atomic Physics 100-1990, Nordmann Research Ltd., Boulder, Colorado, June 1990.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Iron Ion Charge Exchange Cross Sections in an Atomic Hydrogen Gas for Impact Energies Between 1 KeV and 100 MeV: Data Compilation and Extrapolations", NRLtd. Technical Report, Atomic Physics 101-1990, Nordmann Research Ltd., Boulder, Colorado, August 1990.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Operational Charge to the FY 1993 Magnetospheric Physics Data Set Evaluation and Restoration Panel", NASA Headquarters, Office of Space Science and Applications, Space Physics Dicision; Memorandum October 26, 1992.

Zastenker, G. N. and W. N. Spjeldvik: Report of the Implementation Team on Magnetospheric physics, Attachment 3.1 to the Treaty Protocol on Space Research Collaboration between the United States of America and the Russian Federation, May 1993.

Daly, E., T. Kohno, M. I. Panasyuk and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Report of the Radiation Belt Modeling Sub-Group of the Inter-Agency Consultative Group - Working Group 1 on Science", Dubna, Russia, June 3-4, 1993.

Waite, J. H., R. Anderson, C. McIlwain, D. Sibeck, H. Sauer, W. Taylor and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Magnetospheric Data Restoration Panel: Final report", Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas; January 11, 1994.

Pugacheva, G. I., A. A. Gusev, I. M. Martin, and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Modeling of Isotope Radiation Belts in the Inner Magnetosphere", 5-o Congresso Interbacional da Siciedade Brasileira de Geofisica, Centro do Convencoes do Hotel Transamerica, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 28 de septembro a 02 de outubro de 1997.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "ISTP/GGS POLAR S/C CAMMICE / HIT-instrument Data Reduction, Analysis and Display Software: 0. Level-Zero IDL-Routines to Unpack the Data Archive Files", Center for Space Physics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, March 1997.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "ISTP/GGS POLAR S/C CAMMICE / HIT-instrument Data Reduction, Analysis and Display Software: 1. HIT-data versus time", Center for Space Physics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, March 1997.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "ISTP/GGS POLAR S/C CAMMICE / HIT-instrument Data Reduction, Analysis and Display Software: 2. HIT-data versus L-shell", Center for Space Physics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, March 1997.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "ISTP/GGS POLAR S/C CAMMICE / HIT-instrument Data Reduction, Analysis and Display Software: 3. Produce Binned Data in L-shell and Pitch Angle", Center for Space Physics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, March 1997.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "ISTP/GGS POLAR S/C CAMMICE / HIT-instrument Data Reduction, Analysis and Display Software: 4. Use Binned Data to Plot Pitch Angle Distributions", Center for Space Physics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, March 1997.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "ISTP/GGS POLAR S/C CAMMICE / HIT-instrument Data Reduction, Analysis and Display Software: 5. Use Binned Data to Display L-shell Distributions at Selected Pitch Angles", Center for Space Physics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, March 1997.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "ISTP/GGS POLAR S/C CAMMICE / HIT-instrument Data Reduction, Analysis and Display Software: 6. Use Binned Data to Display Energy Spectra at selected L-shells and Pitch Angles", Center for Space Physics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, March 1997.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "ISTP/GGS POLAR S/C CAMMICE / HIT-instrument Data Reduction, Analysis and Display Software: 7. Use Binned Data to Display Magnetic Local Time Variations", Center for Space Physics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, March 1997.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "ISTP/GGS POLAR S/C CAMMICE / HIT-instrument Data Reduction, Analysis and Display Software: 8. IDL-Procedures for Multi-Plot L-Profile Displays", Center for Space Physics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, March 1997.

Advani, R. N., K. Bennett, J. Foster, W. Shen, and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Proposal for the Management and Technology Impact of the SDNAMD Medical Accelerator", U.S. Particle Accelerator School Management Project, MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 25, 1997.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "AIP Conference Proceedings #383 from the Taos Meeting: Workshop on the Earth's Trapped Particle Environment", Book Review in EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 78, #45, p. 507, November 11, 1997.

Pugacheva, G. I., D. M. Boscher, A. A> Gusev, I. M. Martin, and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Magnetosphere Electron Radial Transport with Accounting for Synchrotron Radiation Losses", Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics, University of Campinas, Research Report, Campinas, Brazil, 1998.

Pugacheva, G. I., A. A. Gusev, I. Martin, and W. Spjeldvik: "Antiparticles and Light Element Isotope Ions in the Planetary Magnetospheres", Conference Report, Latin American Conference on Space Physics, San Jose, Costa Rica, November 1998

Martin, I. M., A. A. Gusev, T. Kohno, G. I. Pugacheva, and W. N. Spjeldvik: "Space Observations of Energetic He Ions in the Magnetosphere" OHZORA Observations During 1984-1986", Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics, University of Campinas, Research Report, Campinas, Brazil, 1998.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Source, Transport and Loss Models for Ion Species in the Earth's Radiation Belts: Numerical Modeling Codes for Hydrogen, Deuterium, Tritium, Helium-3, Helium-4, Carbon-12 and Iron-56", Nordmann Research Report NAS5-32915 to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, May 4, 1998.

Gusev, A. A., I. M. Martin, G. I. Pugacheva, A. Turtelli, Jr., T. Kohno, and W. N. Spjeldvik: "The Secondary Proton Radiation Belt: Origin and Dynamics", Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics, University of Campinas, Research Report, Campinas, Brazil, 1999.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: Relatorio sobre Pesquisa: "Report of Research Visit to the Physics Institute Gleb Wataghin at the University of Campinas in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil", Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Departamento de Raios Cosmicos e Cronologia, Brazil, May 31, 1999.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Three-Dimensional Hybrid Code for Energetic Protons(H1+) in Magnetic Confinement Topology: Application to the Earth's Magnetosphere", Nordmann Research and Development, Inc. Technical Paper NRD-99-101, December 1999.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Three-Dimensional Hybrid Code for Energetic Helium Ions (He1+ and He2+) in Magnetic Confinement Topology: Application to the Earth's Magnetosphere", Nordmann Research and Development, Inc. Technical Paper NRD-99-102, December 1999.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Three-Dimensional Hybrid Code for Energetic Oxygen Ions (O1+ , O2+, O3+, O4+, O5+, O6+, O7+ and O8+) in Magnetic Confinement Topology: Application to the Earth's Magnetosphere", Nordmann Research and Development, Inc. Technical Paper NRD-99-103, December 1999.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Fitting of Spectral Distributions Using the Technique of Minimizing a Functional in the Integrated Deviations Between the Analytic Function and the Given Digitized Data Using Higher Order Polynomials", Nordmann Research and Development, Inc. Technical Paper NRD-01-101, August 2001.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Fitting of Spectral Distributions of Magnetospheric Plasma Waves Using the Technique of Multiple Equi-Spaced Gaussian Functions", Nordmann Research and Development, Inc. Technical Paper NRD-01-102, September 2001.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Multi-Gaussian Curve Fitting Subroutines for Plasma Wave Spectra from the Swedish Viking Spacecraft: Pilot Operational Version", Nordmann Research and Development, Inc. Technical Paper NRD-01-103, October 2001.

Spjeldvik, W. N.: "Report of Visit to Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa Espacoais (INPE) in Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil: Generation, Transport and Loss of Magnetospheric Anti-Particles. Technical Report, October 2, 2002.